Our March photo day fell on a play date, and so I think this post has taken on the theme of “play.” Play, as we all know, is children’s work. Play is how they develop skills in the 5 major areas of development, it’s how they process their thoughts, feelings and emotions, and most importantly it teaches them their role in this great big world of ours. Play can happen anywhere, and at anytime, you just have to be open to it. I like to think that I try really hard to incorporate fun into my children’s lives and I also try really hard to get down and play with them (sometimes I have to remind myself to step away from the work and chores). There is only a short amount of time in our young children’s lives that we have where they actually WANT us to play with them, I’m a firm believer that we have to take advantage of that. Because if we aren’t playing with our children, who is? And if play is the way they learn about this world, isn’t it fair to say that their playmates have the most influence on the person they become? For the first 5 years our children look to us first, we are their favourite toy. Embrace your role as the favourite toy, and influence the person that the children in your life will become. Just some food for thought. Sorry for getting all deep on you there.
You will notice in this post that there is some serious PDA going on. Everly and her bud Q are besties and they like to show it. You will also notice that I made it in to the post, this is a first I know! Oh and the third thing you will notice is that there are three pictures at the end that are out of sequence- these are the photos that Everly took when she had the “little camera.” I think she has a good eye, but then I am her mother so of course I think that. Including these images gave me an idea- to man Everly with a camera for photo day and to include some of her captures as well. Just to make things fun and nurture the potential shutterbug inside her

by Jessica
More excellent photos Jess! You really capture their moods/expressions superbly. Great pics of Evie & Matthew, plus Quintin & the other little ones. Great photography!!