Time moves so quickly when you become a parent. I remember people telling me this, but you really have no way of understanding it until you are there yourself. One minute you are pregnant, the next you have a toddler… Matty is two. TWO YEARS OLD! Agh! He’s definitely not a baby anymore. As of April, has been sleeping in a twin bed, potty trained, and weaned from the bottle. He managed all three transitions like a champ, and I couldn’t be more proud of him.
He’s definitely entered the “no” phase, and has an opinion on everything. He’s begun to fight back against his sister; he’s even caused her to submit. The noise level around our house is definitely at the hearing loss level. With a chatty sister, Matty has definitely learned to use his words! His vocabulary is nearly endless now. When he encounters something that he doesn’t know, he is quick to ask. He’s up to sentences of three words, the first ever was back in April, he said “head, bonk, ouch!” and oh my goodness, that was just the most fitting first sentence for him!
Matty is a very physical little guy. He is constantly in motion. He loves sports of all kinds, soccer and football would probably be his two favourites. He’s always saying: kick, throw, hoop, net, ball, in, go, go go! His dad is his favourite “team mate” and he’s constantly telling dad to “come on” while pulling on his hand. He is always climbing, running, and jumping. Thank goodness I had Everly to prepare me for the daily heart failure that accompanies mothering an adventurous child.
His favourite foods are noodles, and fruit. His favourite movie is Wreck it Ralph. He hates baths, and loves to read books. He’s the best cuddler around; always giving hugs and kisses. He is moved by music; rarely will his body be still if there is any kind of music playing. Babeh has created some interesting dance moves, that keep us laughing!
I’m happy that this little man calls me: MOM, mama, mummy, ma, MAMA!

And of course the compare shot! On the LEFT is Matty at one year old. He weighed 24 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 31 inches tall. On the RIGHT is Matty at two! He currently weighs 29 pounds even, and is 35 1/4 inches tall. He has actually slopped out quite a bit. It is funny to look back at pictures of his first year, I forgot what a chunky monkey he was!
by Jessica